
Judge Refuses to Throw Out Traficant Case

From Associated Press

A federal judge refused Thursday to throw out corruption charges against Rep. James A. Traficant Jr., saying there is enough evidence that he accepted bribes and kickbacks to allow the case to proceed.

With no jury present, Traficant (D-Ohio) shouted himself hoarse in making his motion to have the charges dismissed. Afterward, Traficant began presenting his case. He is defending himself in the federal trial, although he is not a lawyer.

Traficant, 60, is charged with accepting gifts and free labor from businessmen in exchange for his political help and with taking cash kickbacks and free labor from staff members.


U.S. District Judge Lesley Wells ruled that “the evidence clearly is sufficient” to continue with the trial. Traficant even objected to prosecutors’ resting their case, but Wells said the objection was improper.

Traficant has accused the government of having a vendetta against him because he beat bribery charges in 1983.
