‘In God We Trust’ Is Out of Bounds
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I was dismayed to learn from your March 18 issue that the Bakersfield City Council has decided to place the phrase “In God We Trust” on its City Hall. Even more disturbing was the information that a new Michigan law encourages placement of the phrase on public buildings, that the Virginia Legislature has passed a bill requiring the state’s public schools to post the phrase and that some Florida school boards have taken a similar action.
Such actions defy the important principle of separation of church and state that is embedded in our Constitution. They represent a blatant attempt to use government funds to foster the acceptance of the view of a religious majority in this country. The action is felt justified because the phrase “In God We Trust” appears on our money. This already ignores the constitutional mandate that government should not support any religious views. But this continued, flagrant action does not justify further expansion of the wrong.
I strongly support the right of all citizens to adopt religious beliefs if they so wish. Indeed, those who adhere to a religious faith should welcome the separation of church and state that protects their own freedom. As such, they should support an action to keep the phrase “In God We Trust” from public buildings and, indeed, support an action to remove the phrase from our money.
Paul D. Boyer
Los Angeles
The Bakersfield City Council has decided to put the words “In God We Trust” on its City Hall. Placing those words on buildings or any other thing does not buy God’s blessing. Nurturing confidence, responsibility and trust in ourselves is the key. We must make the daily decisions that affect our existence and live up to them, especially at City Hall.
Maybe God really is monitoring and manipulating us, based on our behavior. But if so, wouldn’t it seem that worthy deeds of self-reliance and social improvement weigh more strongly than words of imploringly blind faith? I prefer to focus on the slogan, “In humans we trust”--and work toward the day we really can. That would make God truly proud, whoever she, he, it or they may be.
Roger Anderson
Simi Valley