
Refining Our Terms

The U.S. is fighting a war against terrorism, not terror. Even the president has had this habit of inappropriate terminology. Is it simply an effort to avoid uttering an extra syllable, at the expense of accuracy? Actually, I’m afraid very few people see a difference.

Come to think of it, being afraid isn’t so great. Maybe we should also launch a war against fear.

And why is it that as soon as a tyrant or terrorist becomes well known, references to the person are suddenly made with a first-name convention? Since when has it been necessary to refer to Osama or Saddam? I don’t recall anyone having referred to Adolf, Benito or Fidel.


Finally, could someone please tell George that the word “nuclear” is not pronounced nuke-you-ler? I know, he’s not the first U.S. president to mispronounce the word, and something tells me he won’t be the last.

Steven W. Wheeler

Newport Beach
