
Davis: The Wrong Man at the Right Time?

Re “The Davis Enigma: Success Comes Without Popularity,” March 19: The true measure of any governor should be in how effective he or she is at governing. Gov. Gray Davis, when you add it all up, has done an exceptional job in areas including environmental protection, increasing the minimum wage, gay and lesbian rights, gun control, improvement of roads and public infrastructure and education. He did about as well as could be expected from anyone in handling the energy crisis he inherited--steering us clear of the blackouts that were projected.

Sure, his approach to decision-making is slow and deliberate--he thoughtfully takes the time to study issues and solicit input from the community and experts. I’ve looked at his record and what he’s achieved in the last four years on issues important to me and to California, and I think he has done well.

Jeffrey Prang

West Hollywood


As I watched Davis’ campaign against Richard Riordan, I saw how shrewd his campaign manager was to bait Riordan into a battle with Davis instead of battling his Republican opponents. Apparently, Davis strategists knew something Riordan didn’t, and that was if Riordan had made it to the general election, many Democrats would have defected.


Many of us who are die-hard Democrats have been disappointed with Davis’ Republican-like position on many issues. Riordan, though a registered Republican, was enough of a moderate to woo dissatisfied Democrats. Bill Simon, on the other hand, is so conservative that he is not likely to win over any Democrats.

It’s too bad Riordan didn’t campaign against Simon from the beginning. He was right about one thing--he was the Republican “Gray Davis feared the most.” Too bad for the rest of us that Riordan decided to campaign against Davis eight months too soon.

K.R. Bailey



Was it by accident or design that you ran similar articles in today’s Times regarding the popularity--or lack thereof--of two top-ranking state employees, Davis and Steve Lavin (Sports, March 19)? All things being equal, I believe coach Lavin would do a better job as governor than Davis would do coaching UCLA.


Joe Cohen

Los Angeles


As a yellow-dog Democrat, my support for Davis is absolutely firm at 50.01%.

Gilbert S. Bahn

