
Gas-Guzzling Habits Fund Crude Addictions

The OPEC countries make a decision to cut production or raise the price of crude and it is almost instantly reflected in the price for gasoline we pay at the pump. Why? The gas we are pumping was purchased weeks ago at the much lower price. The higher-priced gasoline won’t actually arrive at the local retailers for weeks.

It seems that every time a refinery is shut down for repairs or OPEC raises the price of crude or cuts production it is a windfall profit for the gasoline retailers, who immediately raise their prices. It is outrageous profiteering at the expense of people who can’t do without their automobiles, at best, and antitrust price fixing at worst.

Don Howard

Oak Hills


There is a public service announcement on TV that asks the question, “Where do terrorists get the money to fund their activities?” And answers, “Your drug purchases.” Following the money trail of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, et al., we know that answer is wrong. The correct answer: “Your oil and gasoline purchases.” This reality makes it hard to stomach all those wasteful, gas-guzzling SUVs out there displaying American flags and patriotic bumper stickers.


Robert Constant

Mar Vista
