
Ashcroft Engaging in Guilt by Association

Re “U.S. Will Interview More Foreigners in Fight on Terrorism,” March 21: Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft’s quote that Arabs and Muslims “might, either wittingly or unwittingly, be in the same circles, communities or social groups as those engaged in terrorist activities” is nothing more than guilt by association. I take issue with Ashcroft, as the Muslims in my “same circles” include doctors, lawyers, teachers, defense engineers, members of our military, advertising executives, entrepreneurs, even a Nobel Prize winner.

As a patriot, I realize that I have a responsibility to do whatever I can to help rid my country of terrorism. However, Ashcroft’s remarks only publicly humiliate our circles and, to top it off, his tactics have done nothing but to further isolate and alienate law-abiding Muslims at a time when law enforcement should seek our cooperation.

While it is grossly unfair, Muslim masses face the same dilemma as the workers at Andersen and Enron--the whole being blamed for the actions of a few. Unlike those companies, however, American Muslims still have the opportunity to defend and define themselves.


Tarik Trad

