
What’s With This Oscar Stuff?

Have you people taken leave of your ordinarily good senses? What’s with this tabloid-quality “Oscar Comes Home” issue (March 24)?

Why must the writers and editors of Calendar stoop to playing into the already too-present Oscar hype? I feel like the kid pointing out the emperor’s new clothes, but doesn’t anybody care that the Oscars have nothing to do with most Calendar readers, or with any real people for that matter? It would be different if “real people” were handing out these awards, but the Academy Awards consist of a bunch of Hollywood bigwigs giving awards to each other.

And the whole world is supposed to sit back like good, sated little sheep and live vicariously by watching these overprivileged nepotism cases pat each other on the backs for their continuing mediocrity.


The Oscars might be slightly more palatable if the movies were good, like they used to be, but when movie people reward each other for their junk, it just ensures that moviegoers will be fed even more noisy, self-important, blanded-out, dumbed-down junk in years to come.

I can’t believe you feel like you need to jump on the boot-licking Oscar bandwagon like everybody else. It seems the purpose of Calendar should be to perpetuate quality in the arts.

Shouldn’t we all be out there crusading for good stuff and turning off our televisions when the Oscar broadcast infects them?



Los Angeles
