
Ground Zero Is No Tour Destination

I was shocked to see the Travel section cover story about ground zero (“Ground Zero,” March 17). It was just like any other travel feature, except it is a crime scene you are visiting rather than the most popular beach in Maui.

Your story offended me on many different levels. How sad it is that you chose to pander to the misguided New York City officials who thought it would be a good idea to make it easier for people to gawk at the carnage.

Ground zero is not a tourist destination. It’s a gravesite. My friend is still buried in that wreckage. His widow cries every day because he is gone. His baby boy will never know him. And there are thousands with similar stories and aching hearts who find it almost impossible to get up each day.


If it were your family member or friend, would you want a viewing platform built so thousands could stroll by and take in the wreckage? Would you want major newspapers to publicize the site as a tourist destination?


