
A Small Town Blamed for One Person’s Actions

Much to my dismay, “AIDS Scare at Tiny College Shakes Town” (April 30) basically put the blame on the community for the actions of one person. Huron, S.D., is a small town, but anyone who has actually been here would know right away that there are not farm machinery outlets up and down the town. There are places for the people who are of drinking age to go to besides the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars clubs.

The community of Huron is strong, and it will make it through this problem. Yeah, there may not be a lot to do in Huron, but I do not feel that is a reasonable excuse for what happened. The point is that this male got HIV and had sexual intercourse with women without informing them, not that Huron is a bad community that is to blame for this epidemic.

Brandon Long

Huron, S.D.
