
Nuclear Weapons Aren’t Safe in Storage

Re “U.S., Russia to Cut Nuclear Arms,” May 14: I find it highly disturbing that the Bush administration adamantly insisted on moving the nuclear warheads into storage, as opposed to destroying them, as a condition for signing the arms reduction treaty with Russia. As was correctly pointed out in your article, moving the weapons into storage facilities whose security is extremely marginal accomplishes nothing except raising the very real possibility that the weapons will find their way into the hands of terrorists or rogue nations. Have we learned nothing from Sept. 11?

Once again, the Bush administration is posturing in a window-dressing effort to gain PR points with the electorate, rather than addressing the real problem.

John Newport

Santa Ana


At the insistence of President Bush, nuclear arms will not be cut (dismantled) but only stored. They are to be moved from their open gun racks to locked cabinets ... placed in a locked box as secure as the box that protects our Social Security funds.


Stalky Lehman

