
Ballot Recommendations

The Times endorses selectively, on a case-by-case basis. Here are our recommendations in state and local races in Tuesday’s general elections.

State Offices

Governor. Gray Davis

Lieutenant Governor. Cruz Bustamante

Attorney General. Bill Lockyer

Treasurer. Phil Angelides

Secretary of State. Kevin Shelley

Controller. Steve Westly

Insurance Commissioner. John Garamendi

State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Jack O’Connell


State Ballot Measures

Proposition 46. YES. Housing and emergency shelter bond

Proposition 47. YES. State school bond

Proposition 48. YES. Court consolidation

Proposition 49. NO. After-school programs

Proposition 50. YES. Water quality, wetlands purchases bond

Proposition 51. NO. Vehicle sales tax distribution

Proposition 52. NO. Election day registration

Local Measures

Measure A. YES. Museum building safety bond

Measure B. YES. Trauma and emergency-care parcel tax

Measure F and Measure H. NO. San Fernando Valley secession and Hollywood secession

Measure K. YES. Los Angeles Unified school bond


Judicial Endorsements

California Supreme Court

Vote yes to retain these incumbents.

Carlos R. Moreno

Marvin R. Baxter

Kathryn M. Werdegar

State Court of Appeal

Vote yes to retain these incumbents.

Robert M. Mallano

Miriam A. Vogel

Judith M. Ashmann

Kathryn Doi Todd

Joan Dempsey Klein

Gary Hastings

Paul A. Turner

Richard M. Mosk

Arthur Gilbert

Steven Z. Perren

Kenneth R. Yegan

Mildred L. Lillie (deceased; the governor will appoint a judge for her post)

Dennis M. Perluss

Candace D. Cooper

Paul Boland

Laurence D. Rubin

Superior Court

These are contested elections, none involving incumbents. The candidates below were endorsed by The Times in the March primary and the recommendations stand.

Office No. 2. Hank Goldberg

Office No. 39. Richard Naranjo

Office No. 67. Paul Bacigalupo

Office No. 100. Richard Walmark


Orange County

Measure A. YES. Campaign finance reform

The candidates below were endorsed by The Times in the March primary and the recommendations stand.


Superior Court

Office No. 22. Kelly Ann Maceachern

Office No. 27. Glenda Sanders

Countywide Offices

County Clerk/Recorder. Tom Daly

Public Administrator. Vicki Landrus


To see the full text of Times election recommendations, go to
