
Film Agency Scandal Needs a Good Ending

Your Oct. 29 front-page article, “Film Agency’s Chief Finds Himself in D.A. Spotlight,” about Los Angeles’ Entertainment Industry Development Corp., was a jaw-dropper. So the discredited head of the agency, Cody Cluff, wined and dined Hollywood bigwigs as if he, himself, were a film mogul! Until they caught up with him, Cluff had his cake and ate it too. However, he is not the first and will not be the last to let his proximity to show biz go to his head.

The details of the agency’s machinations and tossing of cash from the money tree that keeps the EIDC afloat are not unbelievable when you keep in mind that no one within the government of Los Angeles kept an eye on it and how it was operating. If the story of Cluff and the EIDC is not enough to make change happen in the oversight of all public policy agencies, then nothing will do it. And all that will come from the scandal is a change of heads, but no more.

Mayra L. Conforti

Los Angeles
