
Versatile, portable, indispensable

Special to The Times

What better accompaniment for mobile multi-taskers than tools that provide several fix-it aids in one portable unit. All these items stash easily in a pocket or glove compartment. Some have sharp edges, so if you are flying with them, be sure to pack them in your checked bags to comply with security rules. Items may be available in stores. Price does not include shipping.

Home and away improvement

PocketPro: This is a toolbox in a pouch. Most of the 18 implements twist, swivel or pop out from an 8-by-1 3/8-by-1-inch-thick base, converting the PocketPro into an adjustable wrench, a straight and angle socket driver, a straight and angle screwdriver, a steel hammer and a T-bar handle for high-torque fastening. In the handle are four screwdriver bits (two Phillips, two slotted). A separate socket tray holds nine 1/4-inch-drive sockets ( 3/16 inch through 1/2 inch). All of this fits in an 8 1/2-by-3 1/2-inch nylon pouch and is easy to carry.

Details: PocketPro Multi-Tool (223142) is $19.99 from Improvements; (800) 985-6044,


Sharp card

Ice Lite II: It’s hard to believe there are 12 useful tools inside the credit-card-size, 1.3-ounce Ice Lite II. If you look carefully at the 1/8-inch-thick translucent plastic housing, you’ll see tiny scissors, a 2-inch serrated blade, mini-light, Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, diminutive eyeglass screwdriver, staple puller, nail file, tweezers, toothpick and inch/centimeter rulers. The Ice Lite II I keep in my wallet has come in handy many times.

Details: Ice Lite II 12-Function Key Ring (10009092) is $29.99 from the Container Store; (888) 266-8246, www.container

Compute this

CyberTool 41: The Swiss Army people never seem to tire of tinkering with their knives. Among the latest is the CyberTool 41, which, as its name implies, contains 41 tools useful in fixing computers, specifically laptops, although the tools are equally useful for lower-tech needs. Besides various blades and other standard implements found in many Swiss Army knives, the hefty CyberTool 41 has tiny pliers, screwdrivers, bits and sockets, a DIP switch-setter (used to configure circuit boards), a bit wrench and more. Also included is that essential mobile business tool, a corkscrew.


Details: CyberTool 41 (53938) is $90 from Swiss Army Brands; (800) 442-2706,

Key points

Utili-Key: At first glance, the Utili-Key appears to be an odd-shaped key, but it’s actually a six-in-one tool. Unfolded, the stainless-steel contraption becomes micro-sized Phillips, flathead and eyeglass screwdrivers, bottle opener, and smooth and serrated knife blades. It weighs half an ounce and locks onto any key ring.

Details: Swiss-Tech Utili-Key is $10.99 from Swiss Tech; (800) 414-8799,



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