
Grief and Politics at Wellstone’s Service

As someone who attended the late Sen. Paul Wellstone’s memorial service and knew him personally, I am shocked and saddened at Michael Ramirez’s facile treatment of this deeply affecting remembrance (editorial cartoon, Commentary, Nov. 1). The memorial service was in no way scripted or orchestrated. The cameras that showed former Sen. Walter Mondale in the audience were controlled by producers from local TV stations.

Though one of the speakers made some undoubtedly regrettable remarks, they constituted only 10 minutes of what was otherwise an emotionally stirring 2 1/2-hour service honoring Wellstone’s family, his life and his legacy. When asked to respond to the service, Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.) showed wisdom and class when he said: “People get carried away sometimes with emotions. We all get carried away sometimes with emotions. Just let it be.”

Andrew McDonald

Los Angeles
