
California Has Finally Broken Off From the U.S.

The Republican success across the country in the Nov. 5 election has significant meaning for California. It’s apparent that California is now basically a one-party state. Democrats control just about everything.

Given the mood of the country, and in particular Congress, toward California, we can expect very little help with our problems.

So basically, folks, we are on our own.

Since the state is in deep trouble financially, the fallout means more taxes, bond issues, assessments and increased fees to live here. The future for the homeowner in California is grim because he will bear the brunt of paying down the funding shortfall.


Watch for a stream of people leaving California during the next few years.

Sion Colvin

Woodland Hills


The biggest secession story in our state has completely eluded the media: The majority of Californians have voted to secede from the rest of the country.

Robert Adels

West Hollywood


Help me! I am being held hostage for ransom in my own home. Unfortunately, even if I pay the ransom (for which I have no choice), I will not be freed.

Gov. Gray Davis has “won” a second four-year term. So now, part of my ransom is that I have to fund his $12-billion budget deficit and continue financing his handling of the energy debacle.


L.A. County Measure B passed, so my property taxes will go up by 3 cents per square foot; another ransom that I have no choice but to pay.

My kidnappers will not release me, either. The failure of Measure F, on Valley secession, means that I am compelled to stay in the city of Los Angeles, paying for services to be provided to other parts of the city.

The ship of the state is run by individuals who have shown a deplorable lack of seamanship.


Michael J. Allegretti



Why do people in California think it is so necessary to have a checks-and-balances system in the U.S. government, but in this state that same issue is never a concern?

Why is it that a man who will spend his own money is looked upon as someone evil but a person who sells his soul to raise money for office is smiled upon?

And whom would you trust more to work for you, the person who used his own money to support his ideas or the person who sold his vote to the highest bidder?

And when will the voters realize that “bonds” and “investments in the future” are code words for increased taxes on the 50% who pay 96% of the taxes? Just thoughts in the aftermath of the election.

Barry Levy

Redondo Beach


In her Nov. 5 column, the incomparable Patt Morrison hits the mark with her disparaging of “ballot language as dense and indigestible as a Texas fruitcake.” Unfortunately, I love those Texas fruitcakes. No, no, I don’t mean the Bush family; I’m referring to the ones you buy at the grocery store.

Shelley Martin

San Pedro


For months I was afflicted with a mysterious malady that caused me great anxiety -- it was similar to breathing black mold or asbestos in the air. I suffered from a queasy stomach, dizziness, a dull headache, a ringing in my ears, heightened blood pressure and spots before my eyes. But literally overnight, those symptoms disappeared when those sickening, mudslinging TV and radio spots came to an end. How do I spell relief?



Bob Canning

Petaluma, Calif.
