
Some Advice so They Don’t Get Deep-Sixed

Memo to: Mike Scioscia

From: Despondent Dodger fan

Re: Armageddon

There is no question about the fantastic job by you and the Angels this season. But we are now facing a situation of unprecedented peril: The Giants are on the threshold of their first title in San Francisco.

You owe it to humanity to avert such a travesty of justice.

As such, during Game 6 tonight, if your starter clearly doesn’t have his stuff, please feel free to go to the bullpen before the dam bursts. I understand your desire to stay the course, to maintain the formula that got you here; but in this critical situation, please consider calling an audible.

And, if you should need to go to the bullpen, and you look into that pen and find that the dude with the beard and goggles is available ... please go to the guy next to him.


John Fraser



I am a lifelong Angel fan, and I just want to thank Bill Plaschke for ripping Garret Anderson for his lackadaisical play. I agree, he dogs it all the time. He never runs hard on a grounder (I have been pointing to that example against the Yankees every time he comes up to bat) and he rarely tries in the outfield. The other night, when he actually made a good play, I was completely surprised.

I wish I had tape of all the Angel games so I could count how many times Anderson dogged it on a play, how many times that guy ended up scoring, and how many times that cost them the game.

Now, obviously, Anderson has been a big part of the offense and has come through for the team many times. When he does well, I do cheer him on. He’s like my least favorite child. Usually, his actions bother me, but if he comes through, it makes me happy.


Marcus Peterson

West Covina


Top 10 Things Overheard at Pac Bell Park:

10. “We’re seeing the Series free!” (Said on a $14-million yacht in McCovey Cove.)

9. “Great. My latte is cold and my sushi is warm.”

8. “Beat L.A.! Beat L.A.!”

7. “Does this orange and black Windbreaker clash with my Dockers?”

6. “Here are your garlic fries. Boy, that line was long. What inning is it? The seventh? What did I miss?”

5. “I hope they wrap this game up early. I’ve got a meeting at the Anarchist Gay and Lesbian Farmers Co-op Homeless Shelter Foundation at 11 tonight.”

4. “I missed that home run, there was a (rail/beam/wall) obstructing my view.”

3. “I paid $1,300 for these tickets. That’s nearly one-quarter what I pay for rent in my unfurnished studio apartment in the Tenderloin.”


2. “I can’t feel my (toes/nose/fingers).”

“What do you mean I’m not a real Giant fan? I’ve been coming to Pac Bell for 20 years now.”

Sven Robinson

Los Angeles


Giant fans need to face reality. Walking Barry Bonds is just like fouling Shaq.

Let’s just call those walks “Hack-a-Bonds.”

Alan Matis

Sherman Oaks


Mike Penner’s column on baseball’s “worthless” greatest moments was priceless.

Once upon a time, baseball was about who won, not the dissemination of mind-numbing stats (most relief wins by a relief pitcher with acid reflux on Tuesdays).

Forgotten is the game’s ultimate hit: Bill Mazeroski’s home run in the bottom of the ninth inning to break a 9-9 tie in Game 7 of the 1960 World Series. However, it had three strikes against it: It happened in Pittsburgh, for Pittsburgh and against the Yankees.

Donald Ross

Beverly Hills


Is Dusty Baker running a major league team or a day-care center?

It’s time Major League Baseball put a stop to the toddlers in the dugout before one of them gets hurt. The field (and dugouts) are for the players. Keep the children in the stands!

Eric Sabroff



Can we please find a way to support our Angels other than those incredibly annoying noise sticks? Trying to see in and around them and being poked with them by the people around me the entire game is taking away what is otherwise sheer elation at how the team is performing.

I’ve been to plenty of games and stadiums that have “rocked” without the use of these annoying advertising tools.


Larry Ackerman

