
Rosenberg and the Names

Howard Rosenberg’s story about TV coverage of the 9/11 remembrances (“Names Cut Through the Pomp,” Sept. 12) was the most poignant and tender tribute yet written to the poor souls who lost their lives in the attacks.

More than any other words or pictures, his piece reminded all of us that they were people--simple, honest folks who probably did turn on the tube, channel surf and enjoy water-cooler chat about the latest “Seinfeld” episode.

Leave it to the TV critic of the L.A. Times to touch our hearts and keep it real. I’ll be thinking about the people he so touchingly wrote about for a very long time.



Seal Beach


Howard Rosenberg’s Sept. 12 column once more reflects the fact that he obviously is a supercilious, shallow, tinsel town lightweight whose work has no place in the “serious news” sections of the paper. He has succeeded in trivializing the deaths of the victims of 9-11-01.


Huntington Beach
