Los Angeles Times Bestsellers
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*--* Southern California Rating FICTION
*--* 1 THE CORRECTIONS by Jonathan Franzen (Picador: $15) A Midwestern family’s unraveling at the 20th century’s end 2 BEL CANTO by Ann Patchett (HarperPaperbacks: $13.95) A terrorist standoff in South America mirrors opera 3 EMPIRE FALLS by Richard Russo (Vintage: $14.95) A warmhearted novel about working-class lives in Maine 4 THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER AND CLAY by Michael Chabon (Picador: $15) Cousins in the comics biz 5 GOOD IN BED by Jennifer Weiner (Washington Square Press: $13) A tell-all column helps a woman change her life 6 FULL HOUSE by Janet Evanovich (St. Martin’s: $6.99) A divorced mother falls for a wealthy man with a kooky family 7 HOW TO BE GOOD by Nick Hornby (Riverhead: $13) Hornby’s trademark wit is on display as a couple copes with infidelity 8 LAST MAN STANDING by David Baldacci (Warner: $7.99) A guilt-ridden FBI agent investigates the ambush of his team 9 PEACE LIKE A RIVER by Leif Enger (Grove: $13) A family travels the Great Plains in search of its outlaw son 10 THE BLUE LAST by Martha Grimes (Onyx: $7.99) Scotland Yard’s Richard Jury probes an old case of switched identities
*--* Southern California Rating NONFICTION
*--* 1 SEABISCUIT by Laura Hillenbrand (Ballantine: $15) How a thoroughbred horse went from also-ran to sports icon 2 DR. ATKINS’ NEW DIET REVOLUTION by Robert C. Atkins (Avon: $7.99) How a low-carb diet helps shed pounds 3 THE WRINKLE CURE by Nicholas Perricone (Warner: $13.95) Using antioxidants to keep the skin looking young 4 A GIRL NAMED ZIPPY by Haven Kimmel (Broadway: $12.95) Vignettes about growing up in a little Indiana town 5 JOHN ADAMS by David McCullough (Touchstone: $18.95) The greatness of America’s second president 6 THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz (Amber-Allen: $12.95) Life lessons based on ancient Toltec wisdom 7 PERPETUAL WAR FOR PERPETUAL PEACE by Gore Vidal (Thunder’s Mouth: $10) The U.S. against the world 8 IT’S NOT ABOUT THE BIKE by Lance Armstrong with Sally Jenkins (Berkley: $13) A cyclist’s race against cancer 9 A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE U.S. by Howard Zinn (Harper Perennial: $18) From 1492 onward 10 RICH DAD, POOR DAD by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter (Techpress: $15.95) Adventures in fiscal parenting
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