
Ritz-Carlton Opens 7th Florida Hotel

Ritz-Carlton this weekend opened a hotel in Coconut Grove, its second in the Miami area and its seventh in Florida, which has more Ritz-Carltons than any other state. (California is second with five.)

By next summer the luxury chain plans to open two more Florida hotels, in Miami’s South Beach and in Orlando.

The Coconut Grove opening is part of a drive to promote Miami as an international gateway, especially for South Americans, who make up nearly 20% of guests at the Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne, said Manny Corral, the chain’s Miami-area director of marketing.


The new hotel, which overlooks Biscayne Bay, has 115 rooms, restaurant, lounge, fitness center and spa, outdoor pool and services such as a “Bow Wow Butler” for hire who will walk your dog and feed it “poochie sushi.” Introductory room rates start at $139 a night through Sept. 30 and $169 Oct. 1 to Dec. 24, subject to availability. Regular rates start at $230 and vary by season. (800) 241-3333,
