
Tell the Callers You’ll Talk to Them Later, Please

I thought having to endure cell phones at the beach was a nuisance (“Withdrawing Into Our Cells,” Sept. 19). After all, isn’t the beach a place to get away from it all? But this week, as I sat in a bathroom stall (one of the few semiprivate places left in life), the woman in the stall next to me received a cell call. She answered it, started talking to the person on the other end and laughingly stated that she was in a stall in the ladies’ bathroom.

Yikes! Please, it’s one thing if you choose to sit on a toilet and talk to someone that you feel comfortable enough doing that (preferably in your home). But to invite others to share my experience in the bathroom is another story.

Stop with the communication already! The world will wait for a few minutes.


Santa Monica
