
Nigerian’s Dilemma Prompts Criticism

It is surprising to me, a blended American, that the black community has not taken up this horrific story (“A Baby and an Outcry,” Sept. 17) and run with it, worldwide, as an example of religious bigotry at its worst.

It is shocking that black women are not demonstrating, boycotting at the Nigerian Embassy in Washington and other capitals around the world. Why not? What are you waiting for? If you think the nice men are going to have a change of heart [about stoning her to death] and grant her a reprieve, think again.

Any hint of such egregious treatment in America today, be it by clergy, or any other self-appointed judgmental group, would bring down instant riots by Jesse, Al, and Louis, plus lawsuits by Johnnie.... so why aren’t those black civil right leaders speaking out about this Nigerian woman’s plight? Where is Maxine Waters’ voice in this tragedy?



Los Angeles
