
Troubles beset two productions

The futures of two high-profile Broadway productions are in question: a revival of “The Miracle Worker,” starring Hilary Swank, and the $4-million new musical “Urban Cowboy,” adapted from the 1980 hit film.

Following a rocky tryout in Charlotte, N.C., the producers of “The Miracle Worker” announced that the show would not open on April 24 as scheduled but would require more development. In a press release, they stated that Swank and her juvenile co-star, Skye Bartusiak, will remain with the project but left out any mention of Marianne Elliott, the young British director heading the revival.

Meanwhile, “Urban Cowboy,” in the wake of largely negative reviews after its opening last Thursday, was expected to close on Saturday night. But an infusion of new capital from one of the producers gave the show a last-minute reprieve for at least a couple of weeks.


-- Patrick Pacheco
