
Keep Driver’s Licenses for Legal Residents

Re “Driver License Measure Clears First Hurdle,” April 2: I am appalled that state Sen. Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) once again is sponsoring a new version of AB 60 -- SB 60! The excuse that illegal aliens are driving anyway doesn’t help me feel safer.

These foreigners have broken our immigration laws, are driving illegally, and now Cedillo feels that we should accommodate them with a driver’s license that is reserved for legal U.S. residents?

Rewarding illegal behavior is totally un-American.

Priscilla Espinoza

Nuevo, Calif.


Gov. Gray Davis rightly vetoed the two previous measures that would have provided illegal immigrants with driving privileges. Let us hope that he will veto this new, deeply flawed driver’s license bill headed his way.


Amazingly, Cedillo claims that our post-Sept. 11 climate and the war with Iraq somehow obviate the need for criminal background checks or the requirement that applicants be seeking legal residency.

Handing out more perks to illegal aliens will only encourage more illegal immigration. And giving driver’s licenses to undocumented “immigrants” will only make it easier for people who wish to avoid official attention to move about the country. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

Matthew P. Mackenzie

