
Extremist beliefs?

Kristin Hohenadel’s “Michael Moore, the New Diplomat” (March 30) is an eye-opening analysis of Michael Moore’s rise to infamy. His 1989 documentary, “Roger and Me,” had redeeming value because it spoke to the plight of ordinary working people. However, his head got so unreasonably swollen from his vitriolic bestselling book, “Stupid White Men,” and his disturbing, Oscar-winning documentary film, “Bowling for Columbine,” that his common sense membrane ruptured from left-wing extremism. At the Academy “Rewards,” poor Michael -- once one of us -- now swims on his belly with other bottom feeders, political dregs and America-haters who arrogantly exercise the tyranny of the minority. “Shame on you, Mr. Bush”? No, shame on you, Mr. Moore. It’s too late for you to deflect the inescapable truth that you are just an ungrateful American representing nothing but yourself as a stupid white man.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Apple Valley
