
An om away from home

Times Staff Writer

The sun is melting away and a handful of us are sitting cross-legged and gazing into the ocean. We’ve been waiting all harried day for this: The sunset yoga ritual at the Montage Resort & Spa in Laguna Beach.

Of all the fitness classes, massages and spa treatments I have taken to relax my mind and muscles, this is my favorite. The reason? The location. The Montage floats five stories above the ocean. Below it are white-sand beaches that were secluded for half a century until the resort opened public walkways two months ago.

Unlike most yoga classes that are held in windowless rooms, this one places you snuggly in nature’s arms. You are shielded by towering cliffs crowned by cascading sea lavender. And you’re surrounded by endless turquoise water that laps over tide pools, splashes off rocks and sprays your face.


If the weather is nice, the class leaves the sunlit yoga studio and follows the instructor down a path to the beach, where mats, towels and water bottles are waiting. The first minutes are spent slowing our breathing -- in, out, ... in ... out -- until it follows the rhythm of the waves.

Stretching burns away tightness in muscles that have spent too much time in front of computers and TVs.

Judging by the groans, we’re not the most flexible of people. But we push forward, knowing that soon we will return to sitting comfortably on our mats, closing our eyes and meditating on how we can return nature’s favors.


Classes are available free to non-hotel guests who pay for a spa treatment and a day pass. The Montage Resort & Spa, 30801 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, (949) 715-6000;
