
Soluble psyllium can lower your cholesterol

Special to The Times

My doctor recommended a teaspoon of Metamucil in a glass of water to lower cholesterol. Is this really effective?

Yes. Studies of the soluble fiber psyllium (found in Metamucil, Correctol Powder, Serutan, etc.) can lower cholesterol 5% to 15%. The normal dose is 1 teaspoonful of psyllium powder in an 8-ounce glass of water three times daily.

My husband takes testosterone injections to build muscle. Will the injections hurt our chance of conceiving a child? Or will increased levels of testosterone make the sperm better?


Testosterone injections could make it difficult to conceive. Although this male hormone is crucial for male sexual development, it has been tested as a contraceptive in men. Sperm production is dramatically reduced in most men who use testosterone.

I take Singulair, and it has been a great help with my asthma. One side effect I read on the printout was bad dreams. And I am having them, big time. What can I do to get rid of the bad dreams and still get the good effects of this medicine?

A surprising number of medications can cause nightmares or “dream abnormalities.”

Although these are not common with Singulair, they have been reported.

We do not know of an antidote to counteract this side effect.

If it is too disturbing, your physician might wish to consider a different asthma medication.


Joe Graedon, a pharmacologist, and Teresa Graedon, an expert in medical anthropology and nutrition, can be reached at People’s Pharmacy, King Features Syndicate, 888 7th Ave., New York, NY 10019, or at [email protected].
