
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul Doesn’t Add Up

Re “Cities, Counties Regain Billions; Gov.’s Aide to Cut Education,” Dec. 19:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger robbing Peter to pay Paul seems to be the logical thing to do because it is in fashion. For now, the Terminator looks like a real-life hero. Everybody appears to be doing it in an era when there never seems to be enough income in government and the public sector to satisfy one’s needs. Individuals borrow carelessly beyond their income. Some pay credit card debt with another credit card that is paid by another credit card. Both our state and Washington spend and borrow vastly beyond the tax dollars afforded them.

Has America become an economic insane asylum incapable of counting on all fingers, unable to put the square peg or round cylinder in the right hole? It looks like that famous statement of former President Bush, “No new taxes,” will stick for now and the foreseeable future. Taxpayers someday will be stuck. Carrying that economic burden, they will have the right to think we were, indeed, crazy.

Ken Johnson

Pinon Hills


Re “Schwarzenegger Steps Up,” editorial, Dec. 19:

This may be the very height of oversimplification, but wouldn’t it be more prudent and fair to all if the governor simply sliced 2% from every budget item to get the $2 billion to cover the shortage in the $100-billion state budget to cover his $2.65-billion rescue plan?


Ed Marks

Los Angeles


Re the governor looking for money to repay local governments: Hey, Sacramento, how about tripling the fines for all traffic infractions; going after those who are breaking the law by not putting license plates on the front of their cars and not paying any fines for this infraction; and making running a red light an automatic $500 penalty?

Barbara DeGroot

San Clemente
