
Civil Liberties Fall Under Ashcroft’s Plans

Congratulations to The Times for publishing “An Overzealous Patriot” (editorial, Feb. 14) exposing Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft and his shocking new directives.

Until now, it seemed that everyone except columnists Jonathan Turley, Jack Balkin and me were accepting everything Ashcroft said and did as God’s will.

Granted, we live in a unique and very often dangerous time in our nation’s history, but this certainly is no excuse for stripping every American citizen of his or her basic rights as defined in our Constitution.


If Ashcroft wanted to do something truly constructive, he might try shoring up our borders so that terrorists and illegals in general are stopped in their tracks. He has done nothing meaningful in this area. Ashcroft is surely one frightening fanatic.

Dan Fidelman

Los Angeles


The arrogant and reactionary attitude of Ashcroft and others in the administration in proposing further limits on our civil liberties, all in the name of patriotism and to protect us from terrorism, is ludicrous. Giving the attorney general the power to strip one of his or her citizenship is obnoxious and smacks of McCarthyism and fascism.

It is our liberty and freedom, protected by the Constitution, that have allowed our democracy to endure. Once our civil rights and liberties erode, we will become like those countries we now criticize for being oppressive to their people.


I only hope and pray that there will be strong voices (and votes) in Washington and throughout this country in opposing these horrendous and frightening proposals.

Fred Tanenbaum

Sherman Oaks
