
Santa Ana Unified Starts Code-of-Ethics Revamp

Times Staff Writer

The Santa Ana Unified School District is revamping its code of ethics and redefining the role of its board of education after allegations by the superintendent that trustees have committed “horrific ethical violations” in the past.

Preliminary drafts of the new policies were presented to trustees Tuesday. The new rules include “zero tolerance” for gifts and offers of employment from contractors or potential vendors to district employees or trustees.

“When in doubt, don’t do it,” said Deputy Supt. of Operations John Bennett in explaining the proposed regulations.


Board members are expected to offer feedback to district administrators in the coming weeks and vote on a final set of rules next month.

The move comes three weeks after the recall of Nativo V. Lopez, whom Supt. Al Mijares accused of meddling and micromanaging district affairs.

Mijares, who spoke out on the issue for the first time just days before the Feb. 4 recall election, said Lopez and trustee John Palacio enjoyed too cozy a relationship with vendors, making it difficult for district staff to hold contractors accountable. Firms doing business with the district have contributed more than $100,000 to board candidates in the last four years.


Lopez and Palacio, in turn, accused Mijares of masking his own shortcomings and those of his staff by blaming consultants.

Under the proposed ethical guidelines, lobbyists who make more than $4,000 a quarter will be required to register with the district. The district is also proposing to completely revamp the bylaws defining the role of the board of education.

“I have some concerns” about changes to the bylaws regarding the board, said trustee Audrey Y. Noji, but “I think recent events have shown unfortunately that we need a new policy.”
