
Weighing In on the Problems and Administration of the D.A.’s Office

Re “D.A. Admits First Term Was Flawed,” Jan. 17:

It’s heartening to learn that our D.A. had some negative comments on child pornography, “among the few he has made publicly” since the grand jury shed the light on some of his less heroic activities on behalf of friends.

I admire a public official with the guts to speak out strongly on important issues and anticipate that in the near future he will endorse motherhood and, perhaps, take a powerful stand against cannibalism. And if things go well, it wouldn’t surprise me if he tackled the evils of child labor.

Tony Rackauckas isn’t the problem. He’s merely an ambitious politician who is less than polished in the art of his profession.


It’s the electorate of Orange County that returned him to a second term that should bear the onus. Will we voters ever realize the responsibility we have to elect decent leaders and take our elections seriously?

Lee Hahn

Laguna Woods


We should all be grateful that the Board of Supervisors gave Rackauckas’ request to pay his legal expenses the cold shoulder. His attempt to circumvent the CEO and violate the regulations related to reimbursement are consistent with his contempt for the rules. Rackauckas apparently thinks that the laws and rules apply to others and not him. The Board of Supervisors should ensure that Rackauckas does observe the law and protect the public from his reckless conduct and fiscal mismanagement.

Andy Hinshaw

Coto de Caza
