
Predicting the Effects of a Davis Recall

Re “Davis Recall Might Be the Big One That Jolts Pols Off Their Perches,” Commentary, July 9: Does Arianna Huffington truly believe that ousting Gov. Gray Davis will send politicians any message other than that the Republicans can continue to get away with nullifying elections when they don’t like the results?

Does she truly believe that the recall, bought and paid for by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista) for (at least) $1.5 million, represents the triumph of democracy over moneyed interests? To the contrary, the recall is election nullification. And I, for one, resent having my vote overturned by a bunch of rich, sore losers.

J.G. Berinstein



Huffington is as insightful as ever, but she omitted one possible outcome to Issa’s million-dollar investment: the election of the Green Party’s Peter Miguel Camejo as governor. There are plenty of disgruntled Californians who don’t like Davis and aren’t Republicans. I don’t blame the Democrats for not wanting to put up a candidate to oppose Davis, so, maybe it’s a good time to go Green. Wouldn’t that be a great irony -- Issa’s big bucks spent to elect his antithesis?


Roberta Schiller

Los Angeles


Thanks to Steve Lopez for eloquently stating the obvious (“Just One Question for ‘Recall Davis’ Forces: Now What?” July 9). Davis may be our own Capt. Queeg, ignoring the danger as he steers the good ship California toward financial ruin, but Issa and his merry band of mutineers are no better. What these pirates have forgotten is that even if Davis goes, our dysfunctional crew of legislators hunkered down in Sacramento will spend even more time munching sandwiches with their lobbyist buddies instead of figuring out how to get us out of this mess. As “Davis Allies Explore Challenge” (July 9) makes clear, Davis and the Democrats are now shifting their attention to fighting the recall, leaving the rest of us to wonder who’s in charge.

Issa wants to waste around $30 million of much-needed tax money to pay for this folly, not to mention the millions of campaign dollars that will be raised and spent by both sides. If this is what he and his fellow Republicans consider “fiscal responsibility,” we are in way more trouble than anyone realizes.

Tom Difloure

Marina del Rey


I see that some of California’s richest citizens are coming out against recalling Davis (July 10). Heck, I’m not surprised. He is their most dedicated and loyal errand boy.


Rock Johnson

Palm Springs


At every election, thousands of workers put in long hours for a tiny stipend, displaying a deep pride and love for the voting process, whatever the results. Recently, certain big-money interests have chosen to change and undo election outcomes (the bogus trials of Bill Clinton, the disenfranchisement in Florida). These offend me, a consistent precinct worker, to the core. And now we taxpayers have to fork over $25 million or more for this recall? I don’t have the money to stop the scurrilous idiocy of Issa and his pals. But if this ego trip does happen, they’ll have to find someone else to man my precinct. I serve to honor democracy, not her enemies.

Douglas Green

Sherman Oaks
