
Prostate cancer’s natural enemy?

Times Staff Writer

Because prostate cancer is typically a slow-growing disease that occurs late in life, doctors sometimes advise men older than 65 to simply monitor the illness. This approach, called “watchful waiting,” leaves many men feeling frustrated and helpless.

Now, researchers at UC Davis Medical Center have found that a component of soy, called genistein, appears to inhibit prostate cancer growth. If genistein proves effective in large-scale trials, it would not only fight the tumor, it would make men feel as if they were actively managing the disease.

The supplement, available without a prescription, has been a popular therapy for prostate cancer in Asia for many decades and is often used by American men with the disease.


In a UC Davis study of prostate cancer patients who had been assigned to watchful waiting, 62% (eight of 13) lowered their levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, after taking large doses of genistein for six months. (PSA is a blood marker for prostate cancer.) The men’s PSA levels were lowered by 3% to 61%; three of the men dropped out of the study after experiencing diarrhea.

However, researchers found that genistein made no difference in a second group of men who had already had surgery, radiation or hormone therapy. In that group, only one among 46 patients had a lower PSA after taking genistein.

All 62 patients in the study were given five grams of genistein daily for six months.

“Half of people on watchful waiting go on to active treatment [such as surgery or radiation] within a couple of years. They just can’t stand doing nothing but watching their PSA,” says Dr. Ralph deVere White, director of the UC Davis Cancer Center and the lead author of the study. “If we can lower your PSA during watchful waiting, we may really spare people treatment for a longer period of time.”


Treatment such as surgery or hormone therapy is often required when prostate cancer is larger and more aggressive, but they can cause impotency.

The research findings, presented in April at the annual American Urological Assn. meeting, can only be considered preliminary because the study was small, DeVere White notes.

“We can’t ignore this result,” says DeVere White. “But we do need to do another study.” In the next study, still in the planning stages, a much larger group of untreated prostate cancer patients will receive either genistein or a placebo, he said.


UC Davis researchers have been studying genistein largely because people living in Asia consume a lot of soy and have lower rates of certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer. The researchers demonstrated in 2001 that the compound caused prostate cancer cells in the lab to die and slowed prostate cancer growth in mice. Studies suggest that it helps control cell growth.

Lowering male hormones, such as testosterone, is sometimes used as a therapy to control prostate cancer. But genistein does not appear to work that way. Nor does it have estrogen-related side effects, such as breast enlargement. Even large doses appear safe. The diarrhea may have been caused by the material used to form the capsule, DeVere White says.

Researchers aren’t sure why the compound appears ineffective in men who already have had some type of treatment, although it could be because of the amount of genistein reaching the prostate.

“Our hypothesis is these men [on watchful waiting] have normal blood supply to their prostate,” he says. “If you look at someone who had radiation therapy to the prostate, you’ve interfered with blood supply. The question is: Does the genistein get into the cells?”

In the future, researchers want to study whether healthy men can take genistein to prevent prostate cancer.
