
Lewis vs. Klitschko

WBC, IBO heavyweight championship fight between Lennox Lewis and Vitali Klitschko. Judging: J-official judges Dr. James Jen-Kin, Tom Kaczmarek, and Pat Russell; T-Times staff members Steve Springer and Randy Harvey. Round-by-round accounts from Associated Press.


What happened: Lewis lands a right. Klitschko puts him on the ropes. The fighters clinch. Both are looking for openings, but not landing much. Klitschko grabs Lewis and hits him, the referee separates them. Klitschko lands a right hand. Lewis lands a jab and they clinch again. Klitschko lands a series of jabs and then a right hand. With 30 seconds left, Klitschko lands a right and Lewis answers with a left. Lewis misses a wild right, then lands a right.


10-9 Klitschko J-Kaczmarek

10-9 Klitschko J-Russell

10-9 Klitschko T-Springer

10-9 Klitschko T-Harvey

10-9 Klitschko


What happened: Lewis comes out jabbing. The fighters trade punches in the center of the ring, then clinch again. Klitschko lands a big right hand 1:15 into the round, Lewis smiles but he’s shaken. Lewis comes back with a left hook and Klitschko lands a right. A right by Klitschko with 1:15 left puts Lewis backward toward the corner. Lewis lands a jab that backs Klitschko up. Klitschko lands a right and then another. Lewis misses a wild left. Klitschko lands a right and a left. Lewis misses a wild right and another, Klitschko lands a three-punch combination.



10-9 Klitschko J-Kaczmarek

10-9 Klitschko J-Russell

10-9 Klitschko T-Springer

10-9 Klitschko T-Harvey

10-9 Klitschko


What happened: Lewis lands a right hand to begin the round. Klitschko is cut over his left eye but lands five straight jabs. Lewis lands a big right hand, then two lefts. Blood is flowing down Klitschko’s face. Klitschko lands a big right midway through the round. Lewis lands a combination on the bloodied face of Klitschko. Klitschko is jabbing Lewis. Lewis lands a big left jab that backs Klitschko up. Klitschko is on the ropes swinging wildly. Klitschko is bleeding badly and misses a wild right with 30 seconds left.


10-9 Klitschko J-Kaczmarek

10-9 Lewis J-Russell

10-9 Lewis T-Springer

10-9 Lewis T-Harvey

10-9 Lewis


What happened: The ring doctor looks at the cut over Klitschko’s left eye between rounds. The referee signals for the fight to continue. Lewis lands a left-right to start the round. Lewis swings wildly with a left, and both tumble to the canvas. Lewis helps Klitschko up. Klitschko tries to land a flurry but misses. The fighters clinch midway through the round. Lewis’ mouth is open as Klitschko lands a right hand. The pace of the fight slows and Klitschko’s cut appears under control. Klitschko lands a left-right, then takes a hard jab. Lewis misses a wild left with 25 seconds left.


10-9 Klitschko J-Kaczmarek

10-9 Klitschko J-Russell

10-9 Klitschko T-Springer

10-9 Klitschko T-Harvey

10-9 Lewis


What happened: The fighters clinch to begin the round. Lewis lands an uppercut and Klitschko answers with one but it misses. A left hook by Lewis lands and he throws a big right that barely misses. Klitschko holds, and Lewis lands 11 right hands to the body as he holds Klitschko. Klitschko lands two jabs, and the fighters clinch midway through the round. Klitschko lands three lefts and a right that puts Lewis into the ropes. Lewis is either very tired or acting. Klitschko lands a left, and Lewis hits him with an uppercut. Klitschko’s cut is bleeding again and Lewis lands a right as blood flows down his face in the closing seconds of the round.



10-9 Lewis J-Kaczmarek

10-9 Klitschko J-Russell

10-9 Klitschko T-Springer

10-9 Lewis T-Harvey

10-9 Lewis


What happened: Blood is flowing from Klitschko’s cut over his eye, but he lands a right and then a right-left early in the round. Lewis comes after him and lands a right and pushes him. Klitschko is bleeding badly as Lewis lands a right uppercut with 2 minutes left. Klitschko lands an uppercut himself as the referee separates them. Both fighters look very tired but both are throwing big punches. Klitschko lands a right and pushes Lewis across the ring. Lewis holds him and they stagger across the ring. As the bell sounds, Lewis lands an uppercut. The fight ends between rounds with Klitschko on his stool after the referee looks at his bad cut.


10-9 Lewis J-Kaczmarek

10-9 Lewis J-Russell

10-9 Lewis T-Springer

10-9 Klitschko T-Harvey

10-9 Klitschko



Klitschko J-Kaczmarek


Klitschko J-Russell


Klitschko T-Springer


Klitschko T-Harvey


