
Farewell to Mr. Rogers, a Mentor and a Model

What an empty feeling I have, having learned of the death of Fred Rogers (Feb. 28). At 68 I became a caregiver to a beautiful 4-month-old girl. Thursday was her 2-year birthday. Wednesday she said “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” for the first time as she was watching the show with me on PBS. What a sad moment for me now.

Frazier Hellings

Fountain Valley


His sweater hangs in the closet; he will not wear it again. The soft and comforting voice of this elegant man has been quieted. “I will always do my very best to keep you safe,” he would say to children everywhere. Where are the soft, calming voices now, assuring that we will be safe? Goodbye and thank you, Mr. Rogers.

Rita Spelliscy



Children do not come with a “how-to” manual. In the early ‘70s I had the benefit of a master class in relating to children while watching “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” He was a mentor and a model.


Jean Maloney

Santa Monica
