
Attacking Moore with innuendo

THE overblown premise for Paul Brownfield’s article about Michael Moore (“Biting the Hand That Flies Him,” Oct. 27) seems to be that there’s something terribly wrong with a critic of the present administration (read corporate America) accepting a private plane ride to promote a book. Would Brownfield find Michael Moore more credible if he went on the same tour and drove his own Prius?

At no time does Brownfield contradict any of the specifics that Moore says or writes about. Instead we get sophomoric innuendos. “He lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan but wears Kmart-bought jeans.” Gee, Michael, I guess you’d be more believable if you lived in a cold-water flat and weren’t comfortable.

Mr. Brownfield, tell me what comments Moore says that you don’t agree with. Give me some supporting evidence to refute Moore’s message. Don’t smugly shoot the messenger because he flew in a private plane and had the audacity to publish his book with a major publisher.


Robert V. Greene

Woodland Hills


MR. MOORE, America is ready to listen to you. That we bought 4 million copies of your last book proves that. So why not self-publish and self-distribute this time around? Why not let the independent bookstores in on the action? Why not funnel the profits to an organization -- perhaps even one created by you -- committed to changing the current media landscape?

Mark Steensland

Costa Mesa
