
How U.S. Is Redefining Institution of Marriage

Convicted murderer Lyle Menendez, who is serving a life term without possibility of parole, was wed in prison to a woman he never knew before his incarceration and with whom he will never be allowed to consummate the marriage (Nov. 21). So much for the argument that marriage is a unique union of two individuals for the purpose of procreation.

The absurdity is that a man who killed his parents in cold blood and will never set foot outside the state penitentiary has greater legal rights to protect the so-called sanctity of his relationship with the person he loves than law-abiding, taxpaying citizens who happen to be gay or lesbian.

Robert J. Switzer

West Hollywood


Bravo for The Times in publishing Charlotte Allen’s “Some Folks Just Shouldn’t Get Married” (Opinion, Nov. 23). After such a plethora of articles praising the Massachusetts decision, it was time to have a clear voice for the silent (shame on the silence!) majority of Americans who, despite the respect and love they have for their homosexual friends and relatives, do not deserve to have the marriage institution “evolve” one more step down the drain, as this court seems so intent on.


Maria Elena de Bellard

