
Recruiting Clark for Nomination

Re “Four-Star Rating for a Wesley Clark Campaign,” Commentary, Aug. 29: As an active progressive Democrat, I’ve been following the presidential campaign closely. My first choice was Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), figuring he had the experience and vision to win. But [former Vermont Gov.] Howard Dean’s aggressive, extremely creative campaign soon won me over. Now, as Robert Kuttner’s column makes clear, retired Gen. Wesley Clark [former NATO supreme commander who headed operations in Kosovo] seems poised to enter the fray.

Frankly, the thought of this brilliant, brave and genuine warrior glaring across a debate stage at our jejune president fills me with glee.

Mark Klein

Los Angeles


Kuttner makes it clear how shockingly qualified Clark is to serve as president. We are so conditioned to mediocre or partially qualified candidates that when a “four-star” choice appears, it almost doesn’t seem real at first. Let’s hope the country has a chance to examine Clark up close and personal. We’ll all be the better for the opportunity.


Jonathan Dana

Los Angeles


Kuttner, the co-editor of the American Prospect, attempts to convince us that Clark has the stuff to be the next president. Clark, an experienced military man, is an arrogant, armchair second-guesser who should stay home with the grandkids and go fishing. Taking Clark and trying to transform him into a political figure is asking for trouble because, in comparison to somebody like Dwight Eisenhower, he is way out of that league.

Steve Casey



The Democrats could do worse than conscript Clark, with his plethora of credentials, to head their ticket next year. He would at least be most credible in taking on the current bunch of draft-dodging “sissy-hawks” who got us into the mess in Iraq.

William G. Zintl

San Juan Capistrano
