
A Muslim American on Shiites and Sunnis

Re “Torn Asunder by 9/11,” Opinion, April 11: Aizita Magana wrote about her Muslim husband, who was very apprehensive about getting a job and yet never suffered from anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiments or any other kind of harassment. President Bush made it very clear after the 9/11 attacks that his administration was fighting a war against terrorism and not against Muslims and Islam.

I remember the most-asked question at that time was about Shiites and Sunnis. One day a very good friend of mine, after hearing a stand-up comic a day earlier, asked me in a joking, and a little satirical, manner, “Are you a Sunni Muslim or a Shiite Muslim?” I told him, “I am a sunny California Muslim.” And we both laughed.

Mohammad Yacoob

