
Bush Puts the U.S. Squarely Beside Sharon

Re “In Shift, Bush Backs Sharon on West Bank,” April 15:

Thank God Israel is finally pulling out of the Gaza Strip. This should have been done years ago, avoiding the deaths of so many Israelis and Palestinians.

Who needs peace with the Palestinians as long as there are big, tall walls? Walls make for secure borders and good neighbors. If the Palestinians should ever desire peace with the Israelis, let them come forward and start negotiations; then the wall and fence can come down.

Good job, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Arnie Keren

Los Angeles


Just when you think George W. Bush could not possibly make any bigger foreign policy blunders, he tops himself again. I could not have been more disappointed in the Bush administration than when I heard that he now supports leaving Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories.


Virtually all of the problems that our country has with Islamic fundamentalists stem from our mismanaged foreign policy in the Middle East, in particular our blind support of Israel. Arab militants have claimed for years that the United States and Israel are conspiring to control Arab lands. Now they have their proof.

President Bush could not have given Palestinian militants more justification to attack Israel, or Al Qaeda a better recruitment boost.

Mark Johnson



After throwing his support to Sharon, does Bush hear the bells tolling the death knell of the Republican reelection campaign?


Michael Ludmer

