
Allegations of Oil Price Manipulation

It seems that everything the Bush administration does exacts a price from the public. The alleged deal with the Saudis to raise the price of oil, and consequently the price at the pumps, in order to be able to lower the price of gasoline just before the election is an outrage (April 20). Unfortunately, 50% of the public would blame this on the Arabs and disavow any connection with President Bush. How many other sweetheart deals resulting in money out of our pockets has Bush made?

The wholesale destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure, at our expense -- which only Halliburton, Bechtel, Fluor, etc., were supposedly qualified to rebuild -- springs to mind. We need to watch this administration very closely, as it makes a habit of picking our pockets while looking us straight in the eye, telling us it’s for our own good, or for democracy, or the long-term economy. Characterizing these people as corrupt, greedy, self-serving, inhumane and immoral is an understatement.

Anne Robinson

Los Angeles


My wife and I just might be able to keep driving to work if Bush’s secret deal with the Saudis goes as planned. We will be able to buy gas to get to our jobs. I just wonder if the present price of gasoline doesn’t have something to do with this agreement. It really doesn’t matter.


Last weekend I saw a Marine color guard leaving the local cemetery. That broke my heart, as I knew why the Marines were there. I am a lifetime Republican, and I will not vote for Bush no matter what. I am tired of dead Americans arriving home from Iraq.

Don Maggard

