
Women’s options

I’m delighted you printed Sikivu Hutchinson’s Counterpunch article (“Race-Based Schism Splits Feminism’s Path,” Dec. 29) about the way “Mona Lisa Smile” and “Something’s Gotta Give” are clueless regarding the options feminism made available for most women’s lives, past or present.

She’s right: Color and class change everything.

Frankly, as a daughter of a single, working-class mom, the angst and tribulations of well-off women never seemed real to me, even though I’m white.

It was a whole lot easier for me to understand and tell all my friends to go see “Whale Rider.” That was a movie that echoed with what it means to find yourself as a girl when the world around you has no great expectations in your direction.


It also gave the powerful message that a woman’s options not only reflect her community but can also affect it. Something that gives us all heart.

Suvan Geer

Santa Ana
