
Cut Out the Middlemen in Funding

Re “Governor Will Raise More Funds,” Jan. 1: If Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to be creative to raise money and open new campaign accounts, he can start with raising money to get California out of debt and finish the many public work projects that are outstanding. All the special interests can receive write-offs and feel they accomplished a great service by keeping California out of debt and its citizens working. The name for this campaign can be the Great California Recovery.

Dan Heredia

Dana Point


Wouldn’t it be better for Californians if the governor set up fundraising committees to pay for hard-hit state programs? Instead, the money collected will go to bureaucrats and local media to pass ballot measures that will then need to be funded. Why not eliminate the middlemen?

John De Simio

Los Angeles


Welcome, California, to the new year. And you thought Gov. Gray Davis was bad! Looks like Arnie is just as bad, if not worse. At least Davis did not hide behind special “campaign committees” in order to raise funds. For someone who promised to use his own money, it sure looks like he is using money from other people, namely big business. People who voted for Arnie were like a bunch of sheep being led to slaughter. Whatever happens to California, you have no one to blame but yourselves.


Mark Whichard

