
Robertson Says God Wants Bush Reelected

Re “Lord Knows What Pat Robertson Wants,” Commentary, Jan. 6: I appreciated Robert Scheer’s scathing expose and denunciation of religious broadcaster Pat Robertson. Robertson is an intolerant bigot -- the very opposite, in every category, of what a Christian is supposed to be. As a conservative Christian, I am appalled by the religious right, the evangelicals with a “burning bosom,” who imagine God has called them to reclaim America and the world at large for God. This is nothing more than a convenient excuse (though what is really scary is that many of them actually believe it) to pursue their fanatical brand of power politics.

It strikes me that the war on terrorism has become the war of the fundamentalist religious fanatics on both sides. Evangelical neocon fanatics, armed with the greatest military in history, versus Islamic fanatic terrorists. Isn’t religion wonderful? The day of accounting cannot be far off.

William J. Stroupe

Castle Rock, Colo.


If Robertson wants to comment on what God tells him, let him ... just like so many others comment on their take of the political community.


But to say President Bush has “exemplified betrayal of the Christian commitment to peace and free will” and “has made a hash of our economy and foreign policy” goes beyond decent commentary. Scheer has forgotten one thing: 9/11. Bush didn’t ask for this war and neither did we. I hope Scheer doesn’t need another terrorist reminder. I’ve had a subscription for over 20 years and I don’t mind reading other viewpoints. But Scheer hits below the belt for an American president trying to defend his country during a war where the enemy has no rules.

Tawney Anderson

Shadow Hills


Upon hearing that Robertson just got a person-to-person call from God to inform him that he, in that off-track betting booth in the sky, was giving much better than 8-to-5 odds on Bush’s reelection gave my agnosticism a big boost.

It also reaffirmed my belief that virtually all of mankind’s wrongs, woes and wars have been caused by greed, provincialism and organized religion, all three of which are highly manifest in our current national governance.


Walter L. Ross

