
Raising the Lid of a Campaign War Chest

Re “In Race for Funds, Bush Is the Winner,” Jan. 8: When I first read that President Bush “raised a record $130 million last year” for his “war chest,” I thought that the special-interest hogs were starting the bidding very early and very high for their best places at the feed trough.

However, a more right-thinking friend of mine straightened me out. These are just civic-minded folks who feel they must contribute to support our president in his war of fear against our constitutional rights, our environment and international justice. After all, some sushi-eating, latte-drinking radicals think that we should preserve some of our resources for future generations and for more humanitarian uses than war and the consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of the few who have money to buy access.

Timothy Tunks

Santa Monica


Re “Dean Is Targeted by Ad Campaign,” Jan. 7: I’m saddened but not surprised that political discourse has reached such a new and despicable low. The Club for Growth’s ad goes beyond attacking the values and positions of a candidate to attacking the very participants in our once-thriving democracy. As a latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, Hollywood-loving person who respects diversity, I’m particularly offended by this attempt to divide voters. I suppose with the news that Toyota has surpassed Ford in car sales in America, the Club for Growth will be making revisions to its ad. This, of course, is ironic, considering that Ford owns Volvo.


Bill Harrison

Los Angeles
