
Moseley Braun and Dean Built a Strong Friendship

Times Staff Writer

Carol Moseley Braun’s decision to end her presidential quest and back Howard Dean is the culmination of a friendship that began between the two candidates more than a year ago.

As Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi confirmed the endorsement Wednesday night, he noted that in the early days of their campaigns, “everybody didn’t take us seriously and they didn’t take her seriously. There’s a bond and a friendship that developed out of that.”

Dean said he and Moseley Braun connected right away. “I’ve always liked her, and she’s always liked me,” the former Vermont governor said.


Moseley Braun had rallied to Dean’s defense Sunday after his record on race relations came under fire at a candidate debate in Des Moines. Later, Dean thanked her, and she suggested they get together for a longer discussion.

They met Monday at a hotel in Des Moines and discussed affirmative action and other issues, Trippi said. By the end of the conversation, Moseley Braun had tentatively indicated an interest in endorsing Dean.

Moseley Braun is scheduled to officially announce her support today at a high school in Carroll, Iowa.
