
Vector Control Staff Is Not ‘Double-Dipping’

Re “Pay Up for Fire Ant Battle,” Jan. 11:

I was pleased to see that the Los Angeles Times recognizes the importance of continuing the battle against the red imported fire ant. All true are the statements about the fire ant problem being best managed as a statewide program; the cost, if it is not handled while we still have a chance; and the ongoing costs associated with living with fire ants.

Every Orange County resident has a stake in this fight, and it is important we all understand we need to share the responsibility or we will certainly all share the costs. Anyone who has spent time in the fire ant infested areas of the Southern states can attest to the problems caused by this pest.

Unfortunately, the editorial also alluded to Orange County Vector Control District staff “double-dipping.” This simply is not the case. Contract work is performed at times when it does not detract from our public health mission. Staff is paid exclusively by contract funds while doing contract work; in fact, all costs, including salaries, overhead, equipment use and materials are paid for by the contract.


This is independent of the district’s tax-funded services, although revenues above costs and administration expenses are used to augment the district’s tax revenue. This is an unusual program with some different ideas, but it has never involved vector control staff “double dipping” by working on outside contracts while being paid for normal vector control work.

Michael Hearst

Public information officer,

Orange County Vector

Control District
