
Taking Baby Pictures to a Whole New Level

Think of it as the ultimate reality entertainment. These days, your prenatal ultrasound can be a motion picture extravaganza complete with a music soundtrack. Forget yesterday’s blurry ultrasounds, these babies come in 3-D and 4-D still photographs, videotapes, even DVDs--produced under strict FDA guidelines, of course. At the Pasadena Fetal Fotos prenatal imaging center, a few mothers-to-be let us in on some preview performances.


Rachel Munguia

32, (with husband Rafael, 34, and son Rafael) Burbank.

Age and gender?

Girl, 21 weeks.

Other children?

One boy, Rafael, 2 years, 4 months.

Have you picked a name?

Tatiana Alyssa.

Any resemblances in the photo?

Hard to tell because the baby was playing peek-a-boo.

What can you tell about her?

She’s going to be shy. She’s saying, “Leave me alone. I want to keep myself concealed until it’s time to come out.”

What would you like to tell the baby?

Stay in as long as possible because our first baby was early. Let Mommy sleep at night when you do get here.


What is she dreaming of in there?

Maybe the screaming from her brother outside. She’s thinking, “I want to stay in.”

Where do babies come from?

It’s God’s gift to a family.


Cynthia Olivera

24, Sun Valley

Age and gender?

Boy, 27 weeks.

Other children?

One boy, Francisco the Third, age 4.

Have you chosen a name?

Alexander. My father’s name is Nicholas, and Alexander seemed something like it.

Are you keeping a sense of humor?

My husband is a joker, so that helps.

Any resemblances in the photo?

He looks like my first son--the same mouth, nose, ears and full cheeks.

What do you guess about his personality?

He’s shy because he covers his face a lot. But he will be OK by himself. He’s keeping to himself.

What would you like to tell him?

We love him, and we can’t wait until he’s here with us.

What is he dreaming of in there?

Dreaming of what I think and what I’m going through.

Where do babies come from?

From the stork!


Tara Henriquez

34, (with husband David, 32) Pasadena

Age and gender?

Girl, 27 weeks.

Other children?

This is the first.

Are you keeping a sense of humor?

I was very sick in the beginning, so it was hard.

Have you picked a name?

Yes, but we’re not going to tell anyone. We wanted a name to fit both our Salvadoran and Italian families.

Impressions from the photo?

She looks like a Mayan. Actually, she looks like a little old man. She looks like she has long legs.


What can you guess about her personality?

She seems shy, with her head down.

What would you like to tell her?

I love you, little baby.

What is she dreaming of in there?

What her parents will be like.

Where do babies come from?

From people’s planning and persistence. Gifts from heaven.


Isela Gallegos

35, Bell Gardens

Age and gender?

Girl, 31 weeks.

Other children?

Stefanie, 17, and Brandon, 12.

Have you picked a name?

Kaileen. I just thought of it and liked it.

Any resemblances in the photo?

Me, because of my nose.

Other impressions?

Chubby cheeks.

What can you guess about her personality?

She’s shy, but she’s happy and she smiles.

What would you like to tell her?

I love you.

What is she dreaming of in there?

That she came from heaven.

Where do babies come from?

As my nephew says, “The 99 Cents Store.”
