
Youth Is Served: Turnout for Those Under 30 Leaps in Iowa

The Democratic presidential candidates who competed in Iowa talked a lot about turning out the youth vote, and on caucus night they delivered.

About 21,000 people under 30 braved frigid temperatures on behalf of their Democrat of choice -- or 17% of caucus-goers, according to entrance polls. That’s four times as many young people as those who caucused in 2000.

The political interest and participation of young voters contributed to one of the highest turnouts in the Iowa caucuses in years.


“If this trend continues, this largely untapped pool of voters -- nearly 40 million in the 18-29 age range -- will play a significant role throughout the rest of this election year,” said William A. Galston, director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, a Maryland-based foundation, in a statement this week.

Younger voters favored the more liberal Democrats, Howard Dean and Dennis J. Kucinich, in higher-than-average percentages, and were less likely to support John Edwards and Dick Gephardt. John F. Kerry’s youth vote, near 35%, was about the same as his overall support among Democrats in Iowa, 37.6%.

One Hot Sweater

The Democratic candidates, squirming under the brutal media microscope of a national campaign, have every personal detail dissected -- as Wesley K. Clark found out last week with an unfortunate choice of a sweater.


The gray crew neck with a dark green and burgundy argyle pattern was borrowed from Clark’s brother-in-law during a New Hampshire cold snap, generating a flurry of media criticism.

The sweater has since been retired from the stump but has cropped up on EBay, so far fetching $5,704 after 71 bids.

“I think it’s just a fun item and people are excited,” said Mo Elleithee, the campaign’s New Hampshire spokesman. “This is a way to show their support not only to Gen. Clark and his campaign but also to a good cause.”


Proceeds from the online auction, which closes Saturday afternoon, will go to Liberty House, a New Hampshire charity for homeless veterans.

Cash-strapped Clark supporters can get a piece of the action and bid on $19.99 T-shirts that read “I bought Wesley Clark’s Argyle Sweater ... Dude, seriously.”

Also available are $1.99 buttons featuring Clark and rap super-group OutKast (advertised as “Very Rare!”)

The Sporting Life

Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman and Edwards have snagged two key endorsements -- not from Washington luminaries, but from sports personalities.

Lieberman earned the support of Chris Berman, an ESPN commentator, and Edwards is backed by Dean Smith, the legendary former basketball coach of the University of North Carolina Tar Heels.

“While the other candidates trash talk each other,” Smith wrote in a letter to Edwards supporters, “Sen. Edwards keeps his eye on the ball, focused on his goal. Especially over the last few months, his optimism and faith in this country has been inspiring.”


Smith is a North Carolina icon, said campaign spokesperson Roger Salazar. “He is obviously a well-respected figure, and there are lots and lots of sports fans among our supporters,” Salazar said.

Berman, known as “The Swami,” also tossed out a sports metaphor or two to express his support of Lieberman. “The Swami says Joe Lieberman could ... go ... all ... the ... way. Just like the Patriots!” Berman said in a statement last week.

Duly Quoted

“Today, Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge raised the security alert to a code red. Apparently, Howard Dean has escaped.”

-- Jay Leno, on NBC’s “Tonight Show” on Wednesday.

Compiled from staff, wire and Web reports by Times researcher Susannah Rosenblatt.
