
Raising the Roof Over the Wall

Your editorial regarding Israel’s occupation wall (“Fences and Neighbors,” July 18) is misguided and hypocritical. Israeli-Palestinian violence is the result of conflict over land.

The surest way to peace is to divide the land and provide reparations and a meaningful homeland to Palestinians who have been subjected to ethnic cleansing, been deprived of freedom and statehood, and continue to have their land taken away by Israel. The illegal wall Israel is building will be yet another obstacle to peace that will ultimately preclude the possibility of a viable Palestinian state.

Ken Galal

San Francisco


Thank you for your editorial observing that the security fence Israel is constructing will actually help the peace process. A true [international] court of justice would have commended Israel for constructing a protective fence that has already saved hundreds of lives while physically harming no one, and would have demanded that the Palestinians cease terrorism and begin negotiating in good faith without using violence to extort concessions. Such a ruling would have advanced the peace process by depriving terrorism of international sanction or legitimacy, and would have reassured Israelis that the world will support them when they take risks for peace.


The court’s cowardly decision will only serve to encourage Palestinian terrorism and convince Israelis that the world values Palestinian property more than Jewish lives.

Stephen A. Silver

Walnut Creek


It is confounding that the United Nations appears to want to increase the number of Palestinian deaths by declaring Israel’s fence illegal. In areas where the fence is complete it has been proven conclusively that far fewer Palestinians have died as suicide bombers. Logically, Israel’s demonstrated interest in saving Palestinian lives in this manner should be reason enough for all who really care for their welfare to support the wall’s continued construction.

Gary Dalin



Your editorial unfairly characterizes Israeli settlers’ as poisoning Israeli politics. The Zionist dream of harmony for Israel with her neighbors has ended because her neighbors refuse under any circumstances to live in peace together. The desperate act of building the security barrier is a blight on this beautiful land that no Israeli wants to see. But with virtually no support in the world capitals outside the United States, Israel has not been allowed to flex her strength and end this terrorist blight once and for all.


The wall is a relatively weak response but the best option the world has left to Israel for her own defense.

Allan Kandel

Los Angeles


Your support for Israel’s latest war crime -- the massive, illegal, land-grabbing wall it is building in the occupied Palestinian West Bank -- is absolutely sickening.

Locking a child in the basement may make life quieter and more pleasant for a sick and twisted parent, but you’d hardly say it was acceptable. Why then does imprisoning millions of Palestinians in the largest ghetto in history draw your support?


Is all fair and acceptable so long as the victims are Arab? Or is it simply that Israelis can do no wrong in your eyes?

Isaac Boxx

Austin, Texas


It is sad that right-wingers like Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dominate Israeli politics, when, in fact, the majority want only peace with their neighbors.

Paul H. Taylor

San Francisco
