
Back problems? Try this knees-to-chest stretch

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

If you have a sensitive back, the best way for you to stretch is by doing flexibility moves on the floor. With these two moves, your back is completely supported while you concentrate on stretching your legs and hip muscles. This is also a comfortable way for you to release tight lower back and groin muscles. Do these moves any time you feel stiff.


1 Lie on your back with your legs straight out in front of you. You can place a small, folded towel under your head for comfort. Bend your right knee in toward your chest, holding the middle of your shin bone with both hands. (If you feel pressure on your knee, hold the area behind your knee on the thigh.) Keep your left leg straight with your knee and toes pointed up to the ceiling. Hold this position for 20 seconds, and relax your back, legs and hips while you breathe evenly. Repeat on the other side.

2 Bend both knees in to your chest, holding the middle of your shins with both hands. (If you are less limber, hold the area behind your knees on the back of the thighs.) Squeeze your knees in toward your chest while your head and shoulders remain on the floor. Hold for 20 seconds, breathing evenly.



-- Karen Voight
